Urban Diabetes Care and Outcomes Summary Report, Audit Years 2010–2014: Aggregate Results from Urban Indian Health Organizations
Minority Diabetes Reports Tuesday, February 9th, 2016Urban Indian Health Institute, March 2015
Diabetes Mellitus is a major public health problem among American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs), and the prevalence of diabetes among AI/AN adults is twice that of non-Hispanic white adults. In an effort to reduce the burden of diabetes among AI/ANs, Congress established the Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) in 1997. The SDPI provides funding specifically to aid in the prevention and treatment of diabetes in AI/AN communities. SDPI includes the Community-Directed Diabetes Programs (tribal, IHS, and urban) and Initiatives (previously Demonstration Projects; now called the Diabetes Prevention and Healthy Heart Initiatives). This report focuses on the Community-Directed diabetes programs. Read more.